Herman Hertzberger, Patrick Fransen, Francine van Loon, Jos Halfweeg, Reijer Pielkenrood, Zina Al Edany, Carloes Pollemans
The name SPIL stands for 'Play (SPelen), Integrate and Learn'. Spil aims to provide a continuous learning path from 0-12 years old. This Spil centre is not a self-contained building, but links up with, and is partly incorporated into, a residential block in a more comprehensive housing plan also designed by AHH. The upper floors accommodate part of the extended school programme. If pupil numbers decline, this section can be converted for residential use after all. A neighbourhood centre with a café-like meeting-place is also part of the school programme, so that school and neighbourhood activities can share the same facilities. The section adjoining the residential block is sunk below ground level and provided with a constant stream of daylight through inner courtyards, in each case between two classrooms and through elongated skylights above the learning streets. Strips of classrooms are interrupted by learning streets. The learning streets are designed entirely to serve educational needs. They contain sunken areas, ‘help desks’, small theatre-like enclosed areas, small kitchens and other facilities for all to use. The concertina doors of the classrooms can be opened up to create a single continuous learning landscape. The play area on the roof is also accessible to children from the surrounding neighbourhood.
Waterlinie 260, 5658 NS Eindhoven
6.090 m2
SKPO Eindhoven
Herman van Doorn, AHH and Scoop Fotografie