Schooldomein wrote an article about the school Twickel College Hengelo, in which Laurens Jan ten Kate of AHH and Merle Busscher, team leader of the school were interviewed.
Laurens Jan: "Herman may also have recognised his Montessori past in the existing building. We think that social space is an important element in the school. With the reuse of the existing structure, we could invest extra in the quality of the building."
Merle: "We see that the building invites us to experiment, which we experienced last year during the Twickel festival week, where art was everywhere, lectures were given and there were living room concerts."
Read the entire article here (Dutch only)
Text and photos: Sibo Arbeek
In het centrum van Apeldoorn transformeert het voormalige Centraal Beheergebouw tot een unieke woonomgeving.
Onder luid applaus van ouders, opa's en oma's verhuisden de kinderen van de Piramideschool in Rijswijk maandagmorgen vanuit hun oude schoolgebouw naar de fonkelnieuwe brede school.
Het gaat snel met de bouw van het Twickel College Hengelo.