AHH buildings in large numbers equipped with solar panels

Photo: Beter Duurzaam.

2017 proves to be the year of the massive breakthrough of solar panels. Most of our buildings, both new and existing, are provided with a sunroof this year: our schools, theaters and department stores all got a "green" roof.

The pictures at the top show the Orpheus Theater in Apeldoorn, where the panels make a nice team together with the roof landscape. But also the Vanderveen department store in Assen, the Faculty of Science of the University of Amsterdam, SG Newton (formerly known as Titaan) in Hoorn, Extended school De Spil in Arnhem, NHL in Leeuwarden and Omnibus in Arnhem were filled with panels this year.

With the investment in over 1,800 solar panels, the NHL in Leeuwarden kills two birds with on stone. The university gathers electricity from its own roof, but also uses it to fuel its education programme. Within the Renewable Resources group, students, teachers, and researchers will monitor the output of the energy roof and compare this with other solar parks.

MFC The Spil in Arnhem already was a green building, but is now even more sustainable with almost 350 solar panels.

It is beautiful to see that not only our newly build projects generate their own energy, but also existing AHH buildings prove suitable for this. In this way, we are on moving fast to a future in which all AHH buildings have a sun roof.

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