Design for innovative green apartment building


Even with a height of 73 meters, the apartment building is green and enjoyable, due to its extraordinary shape with rising planted roof terraces and a beautiful courtyard garden.

The top apartments have panoramic urban views, the courtyard apartments have a view over the greenery. The roof terraces wind down, in such a way that all apartments are provided with enough sunshine.

The building consists of 334 apartments, 2 commercial floors and a semi-underground parking with 120 parking spots and storage facilities.

From street level, a pedestrian path, running along retail functions and terraces, leads up to the central inner court that is elevated relative to street level and is enclosed by the belt of apartments. In this green inner court children can play safely and adults can use it as a green common living room.

The reflective glass façade not only provides a sound buffer against the rail and motorway, but also reflects the corporate surroundings. In this way, the design acknowledges the industrial heritage around the plot and visually connects it to its immediate neighbours. In contrast to this, the interior is defined by wood and natural materials, with balconies that can be filled with plants, so that the inner world becomes beautifully green and brings a sense of human scale to the volume.

The commercial space on the lower stories boasts floor-to-ceiling glass. The residential levels have large openable windows and sliding doors to balconies and roof terraces. The outer glass façade is slightly higher than the building, so that it forms a glass screen for the roof terraces that protects residents against wind and sound without blocking their panoramic views.


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